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How Planes Fly

    The flight process and how the plane works

    Flying is an amazing technical achievement that allows a person to move from place to place in a short time, through the use of airplanes. The airplane is one of the greatest technological achievements of the twentieth century, opening up many opportunities for travel, trade and communication on a global scale. In this article, we’ll take an overview of how an airplane works and the forces and principles that enable it to fly.

    how plane flies

    Aircraft structure

    To understand how an airplane works, we must start by looking at its structure. An airplane is a complex engineering object consisting of several important parts. One of these major parts is the airplane wing. An aircraft wing is a flat structure that rises on the sides of the aircraft and plays an essential role in flight.

    How to rise into the air

    The operation of the aircraft and its ability to rise into the air are based on complex physical principles. When we talk about an airplane, we must consider two basic components: the engine and the airplane’s wing. Let’s examine how each works in detail.

    1. Engine

    The engine is the heart of the plane, and is responsible for propelling the plane forward at high speed. This is done by the combustion of fuel and air in the aircraft’s engine, generating strong backward thrust. This thrust propels the plane forward, but it also plays a role in shaping the airflow around the wing.

    2. Airplane wing

    An aircraft wing is the main element that allows an aircraft to rise into the air. A wing is a flat plate that directs airflow. When an airplane is moving quickly, air is pushed hard against the wing, creating lift. This force overcomes the weight pulling the plane down, thus allowing the plane to remain in the sky.

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    Aircraft structure

    To understand how an airplane works, we must start by looking at its structure. An airplane is a complex engineering object consisting of several important parts. One of these major parts is the airplane wing. An aircraft wing is a flat structure that rises on the sides of the aircraft and plays an essential role in flight.

    How to rise into the air

    The operation of the aircraft and its ability to rise into the air are based on complex physical principles. When we talk about an airplane, we must consider two basic components: the engine and the airplane’s wing. Let’s examine how each works in detail.

    1. Engine

    The engine is the heart of the plane, and is responsible for propelling the plane forward at high speed. This is done by the combustion of fuel and air in the aircraft’s engine, generating strong backward thrust. This thrust propels the plane forward, but it also plays a role in shaping the airflow around the wing.

    2. Airplane wing

    An aircraft wing is the main element that allows an aircraft to rise into the air. A wing is a flat plate that directs airflow. When an airplane is moving quickly, air is pushed hard against the wing, creating lift. This force overcomes the weight pulling the plane down, thus allowing the plane to remain in the sky.

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    how airfoil wing makes lift

    Bernoulli’s law and force generation

    The lift that allows an airplane to rise depends on a basic principle of aerodynamics known as Bernoulli’s law. This law indicates that rapidly moving air generates lower pressure compared to slowly moving air. Therefore, the pressure above the wing of an airplane is less than the pressure under the wing. This difference in pressure creates lift that keeps the plane in the air.

    Tests and controls

    To control movement and direction in the air, an aircraft needs complex control systems that include steering discs, propellers, fenders, stabilizers and sensors. These systems allow pilots to adjust wing angles, indicators, engine speed and altitude to ensure flight safety and compliance with the specified trajectory.


    In conclusion, it can be said that an airplane is a complex engineering achievement that depends on the interaction of many factors to achieve flight. From the engine to the aircraft wing, and from the forces affecting the aircraft to Bernoulli’s law, these foundations and principles are what enable a person to achieve flight and benefit from it in many different aspects of his life.

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    Khaled Saleh

    Khaled Saleh